
[Compound Adjectives with Numbers]

숫자를 결합한 동사를 활용하면, 긴 문장도 간결하게 표현을 할 수 있다.

아래의 예를 보면, 첫 문장과 같은 표현을 두번째 문장과 같이 간결하게 표현할 수 있다.

-    주의할 점은, 숫자 뒤에 있던 명사를 복수에서 단수로 바꾸어 주어야 한다는 것이다.

My company has a history that is 5000 years old.

=> My company has a 5000 year history. 


She lives in an apartment with two bedrooms.

=> She lives in a two bedroom apartment.

It takes ten minutes to walk there from here.

=> It's a ten-minute walk from here.

A bill worth ten dollars.

=> A ten dollars bill.

A lesson that is three hours long.

=> A three hour lesson.

A flight that takes three hours.

=> A three hour flight.

A dinner with four courses.

=> A four course dinner.

A delay of twenty minutes.

=> A twenty minute delay.

A vacation for two weeks.

=> A two week vacation.

A walk that is three kilometer long.

=> A three kilometer walk.

A house with fifteen rooms

=> A fifteen-room house.

A car that costs fifty thousand dollars.

=> A fifty thousand dollar car.

A marriage that lasted twenty years.

=> A twenty year marriage.


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